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Gemini Zodiac Charm
Gemini Zodiac Charm $7.49

Gemini (5/21-6/20) is an element of Air. Intellectual, analytical, real thinkers. You are great at social gathering and love a good book. Let your astrological sign align with the stars.

Leo Zodiac Charm
Leo Zodiac Charm $7.49

Leo (7/23-8/22), you are an element of Fire. Passionate, creative, always ready for action. You are adventurers with boundless energy. Let your astrological sign align with the stars.

Libra Zodiac Charm
Libra Zodiac Charm $7.49

Libra (9/22-10/20), you are an element of Air. You love communication and relationships with others. You enjoy giving your opinion but can be very one-dimensional.

Pisces Zodiac Charm
Pisces Zodiac Charm $7.49

Pisces (2/19-3/20) is an element of Water. You can be exceptionally emotional and highly sensitive, which makes you compassionate and intuitive. Let your astrological sign align with the stars.

Sagittarius Zodiac Charm
Sagittarius Zodiac Charm $7.49

An element of fire, Sagittarius begins around Nov. 21 and ends Dec. 21. Generous and idealistic, people born under this sign can be very impatient but often have a great sense of humor.

Scorpio Zodiac Charm
Scorpio Zodiac Charm $7.49

Scorpio (10/21-11/20), you are an element of Water. A great leader, always aware of the situation and also features undoubtedly in resourcefulness. Let your astrological sign align with the stars.